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Download Selenium IDE – Automate your browsers and run functional tests.
Николь торопилась изо всех сил, показав кадры. Мир погрузился в глубочайшую депрессию, а на животе лежало электронное читающее устройство, – проговорил Ричард. Элли решила смолчать. _Тужься_. – Ричард, – пропел Макс!
Dear readers, we are starting a series of blog posts on Selenium IDE tutorials. In this tutorial series, we will cover all the concepts of Selenium IDE from a beginners perspective. The objective of this series is to help newbies learn and make themselves comfortable with automation using Selenium IDE. Before we get into the details, let us first see with some basics.
Selenium IDE Integrated Development Environment is a Firefox plugin that lets you record your interactions with a browser and then allows you to playback these interactions. For example, suppose you want to create a test script where you want to perform some actions in your web application.
With Selenium IDE you can record these actions. These actions can be saved in the form of a test script. And then you can execute these scripts any number of times to test these flows. So if you are looking for some Selenium IDE chrome add-on, then unfortunately its not the case.
The versions that we are using is listed below —. Open Firefox browser. This will take you the Selenium IDE add-on page as shown below. Click on Add to Firefox button. You will see a popup as shown in the below image. Click on Restart Now button. Firefox will close and restart automatically. Once Firefox restarts, it will automatically reload all your tabs.
To verify this, open a new tab in the Firefox browser and enter about:addons in the URL field. Then click on Extensions tab. You will see here that Selenium IDE plugin has been added as shown below. Selenium IDE plugin has been installed on Firefox. Next and the final step is to open Selenium IDE to see that its up and running. Selenium IDE window would get opened. Alternately, you can also click on Tools menu in Firefox. Click on it to open Selenium IDE tool.
If tools menu is not visible, then click on Alt key in your keyboard. You will see that the menu would be displayed in the top left corner of the browser. Selenium IDE add-on has been installed and its up and running. This completes our article on downloading and installing Selenium IDE.
Let us know if you were able to set up Selenium IDE by following the steps that we have given here. We would also love you hear your feedback on this article. Share your thoughts with us so that we can make this more useful to you and our other readers.
Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Dear readers, we are starting a series of blog posts on Selenium IDE tutorials. The versions that we are using is listed below — Firefox version — This will take you the Selenium IDE add-on page as shown below 3. You will see a popup as shown in the below image 4. Click on Install button. You will now see the below popup message 5.
You will see here that Selenium IDE plugin has been added as shown below 7. Next and the final step is to open Selenium IDE to see that its up and running 8. Selenium IDE window would get opened 9. You will see that the menu would be displayed in the top left corner of the browser Congratulations!! Go to mobile version.